Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crazy Day

So much for the "boring routine." About an hour after posting my previous entry, Kirsten called with bad news from the hospital. A morning X-Ray showed "free air" in the belly indicative of a perferation of the intestinal wall. This is an extremely serious problem and the doctors agreed that immediate surgery was the answer. As the surgeons expected after reviewing the X-Ray, the intestine that was connected in last Friday's surgery came undone. Thankfully, they don't think it was undone for a lengthy period of time-- no more than 12 hours-- and a limited amount of stool was able to escape into the intestinal chamber. Since Madeleine was extremely frail during the surgery, rather than reattach the intestine, the doctors chose to create a new stoma and closed off the rectum-- just like her first NEC surgery. At this point, Madeleine is resting well and we expect to have a very difficult 24-48 hours. The doctors have told us to expect her infection to rise again, similar to last Saturday and we know that maintaining her blood pressure will be the key to success.

Needless to say, we're pretty emotionally whipped right now as we weren't expecting such a surgery. Additionally, this is a clear step back in Madeleine's recovery. At this point, our focus is on simply getting through the next 48 hours and then we'll start to re-focus on Madeleine's recovery path. The surgeons did hint that before any further reattachment surgery is discussed, they will want to see Madeleine feed and grow. They indicated that part of this recovery period may include addressing her heart's surgical needs before reattaching the ostomy. We're not sure if that is the ultimate path for recovery and right now, we're just glad that she's resting peacefully.

That's all for now. Once we get through these next two days, someone please remind me not to complain about boring days....


Will said...

I'm so sorry about the setback and that the bowel reconnection didn't take hold. It does explain all the difficulties she had after surgery. And now she's in a situation she's been in before - and pulled through! I know she can do it again. Ayyana and I will be thinking of all 3 of you. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Keep the positive attitude. Your girl is a fighter. We'll be saying extra prayers for your baby's health and her parents sanity.

Anonymous said...

We can't imagine the ups and downs you have been going through, but know that you and Kirsten are strong and will hold each other up. Extra love and prayers sent your way.
Barb and Mark

epaist said...

Look after yourselves, and let the docs and nurses look after your dear daughter. I am praying for you.

melissa said...

keeping you guys in our prayers. be sure to take care of yourselves also.
much love,
the condevaux's

Erika said...

As always, you're in our thoughts and prayers. We love you! Hang in there...

Sarah Bushey said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers constantly. She is one tough cookie - just like her mom and dad!

Lots of love to you all,

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about this latest setback. Keep strong & feel all the love & prayers coming your way.
Mike, Wanda & Boys

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Madeleine! You've got an entire office pushing and lifting your name up to God for strength and support.

Unknown said...

Thinking about you guys as you deal with this latest hurdle. Your team here at AiW has decided that Madeleine is "Super Baby"! We are sending good thoughts her way and yours!
