Tuesday, April 1, 2008

4/1 bedside update

I'm typing this update while holding Madeleine. Don't worry mom- I'm holding her against my chest with one hand while typing with the other. This is very slow so I'll keep it short- we still haven't gotten an official result from yesterday's test but things appear to be better. As a reminder, the surgeons decided to do a test of the ostomy to determine why there wasn't much output. They took her down to the OR and injected the intestines with fluid. The fluid shows up in an exam allowing the doctors to identify any blockages or areas of concern. Since the surgeons haven't provided an update, the assumption is that there isn't a major problem. Supporting that theory, since coming back from the exam yesterday, Madeleine has had a large amount of output into her colostomy bag. It appears that a side benefit of the exam is that it can serve an enema like function

That's all for now. I'm waiting for the doctors for rounds and I expect to report that feeds will start again this afternoon.


PS- madeleine just opened her eyes. I'm not fluent in baby communication methods but I think she means to say, good morning and thanks for the support.

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