Friday, April 25, 2008

Update on Madeleine and the March

I just spoke with the hospital and, as I hoped this morning, all is boring with Madeleine. She's been slowly weaned off the dopamine today with the goal of getting her off (hopefully) by tomorrow. I don't know how likely that is to occur but that's the goal right now. Other than that, not much else has changed with her.

As far as the March for Babies is concerned, Kirsten and I are walking with her parents, Carol and Steve on Sunday. Feel free to contact me (202-222-5416) if you'd like to join us. If you've already donated-- thanks again for your tremendous support. At last count, we've raised $2985 with a total of 50 different people donating. We're floored by your support and are proud to be marching on Sunday with the Children's National Medical Center. It's really great to see that Madeleine's challenges can have such a postive impact.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend.

Brent and Kirsten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for continued good news from you. I'm also hoping that the only pain you have to deal with in the days to come; will be the possible blister you might get between your legs from walking in the March of Dimes. Hope you have a great day.