Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Morning Update

There's not much changed with Madeleine this morning. She's been weaned a little bit off the morphine but she's at a fairly low level and they don't want to wean any further until her incision stops hurting-- when the nurses touch near the incision, she winces a little bit. Madeleine's also on very low ventilator settings but the nurses don't want to extubate until they're certain that she is stable. Right now, the only area of any concern is her blood pressure. Yesterday, Madeleine "rebounded" a little bit from her morning progress and her blood pressure and levels of dopamine continues to fluctuate from a high of 11 to low of about 8. Its not entirely certain why this is occuring but right now, the nurses/doctors just want to hold the course and expect that she will stablize on her own. Since we're still less than 72 hours from surgery, the dopamine levels, from a large picture, are quite low and there is really no concern at this time. If she's still fluctuating like this early next week, then the doctors will be more concerned.

That's it for right now. Cross your fingers for a boring and stable day for Madeleine!


Unknown said...

Here's to a boring and stable day for Miss Madeleine!


Anonymous said...

We are crossing our fingers. I'm glad she is steadily improving. We are praying for you all.


Kendra and Rob