Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Still Going Good

I'm hanging out with Madeleine this morning at the hospital and things continue to slowly improve. Yesterday, the doctors decided to double her feedings- she is now getting 1 cc of milk every 3 hours. It is still a very small amount but its a step in the right direction. So far, she hasn't had any residuals in her stomach so that is good. Output into her bag is low and there are three potential causes:
1) Her ostomy is blocked at the end- surgery continues to look at her and can dilate the ostomy if needed.
2) Her intestines are still slow- ileus symptoms.
3) She's not getting enough food to push stuff through.

At this point, there's no way of telling if any are truly problematic and the basic course is to watch Madeleine and feed her slowly. At times, the approach is frustrating-- I'm not the most patient of people-- but given the alternative, I'll take slow and boring every time.

That's all on the medical update. We stayed for bath night last night and that was a lot of fun. Kirsten "bathed" madeleine with a wash cloth and we got some great pictures of Madeleine with her eyes open. In true Brent form, I left the camera in the car this morning so I'll have to post pictures later tonight.

One final note- thanks again to everyone that has donated to March of Dimes. I've moved our goal to $2000- no worries if we fall short. We're amazed and humbled by everyone's support. If you're interested in monitoring progress, the link is under the top picture on the right. Have a great day.

Brent and Kirsten

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