Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Not Much to Update... for now

I'm posting right now to let you know that we're still waiting to learn more from the surgeons and others concerning the surgery. Kirsten waited yesterday to talk with a surgeon but the surgeon didn't show up. Our assumption is that the surgeon was stuck in surgery longer than expected. (we'll give them the benefit of the doubt.) I'm going to be at the hospital today for rounds and will definitely get our questions answered. We still intend to hold a "team meeting" with the surgeons, cardiologists, and neonatologists as this should allow us to draft a plan for the surgery as well as her post-operation recovery. At this point, we're cautiously optimistic that this surgery could serve as a turning point and could help accelerate her recovery. That being said, this is serious stuff and we have a lot to learn. I'll write more once we learn some more information.


PS-- Madeleine was weighed last night and she is now 1610 grams (3 lbs, 9 oz.) This continued growth is great as it shows that she is gaining weight despite not getting much nutrition from milk (The IV feed is good but not as efficient as regular eating). Madeleine is also resting well-- all signs that are in her favor as we prep for surgery on Friday.

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