Monday, March 31, 2008

Slow Progress with a few bumps

Since the posting last Saturday, Madeleine has remained stable but has encountered a few bumps. On Sunday morning, the nurses found some residual food in Madeleine's stomach. They were a bit concerned as the residual included some yellow, indicating that Madeleine's intestines could be backing up. This isn't a major concern as the doctors and nurses told us in advance to expect such days. Based on Madeleine's past intestinal issues, the doctos halted Madeleine's feeds and an X-Ray was taken indicating that some areas of the intestines were dilated. With this information, the doctors halted all feeding for Sunday and ordered a new X-Ray for Monday morning.

This morning, the X-Ray indicated that the dilation had decreased- a positive development. Furthermore, Madeleine appears to be doing well-- she's resting very well and is breathing with very little support-- only 2 liters from the nasal canula. (She pulls the canula out frequently and it doesn't seem to affect her much-- the doctors could wean her further but see no need at this time.)

Given the positive X-Ray, the doctors were prepared to begin feeding again but Madeleine's surgeons decided to postpone feeding as they want to ensure that her Ostomy is functioning properly. They have scheduled a procedure this afternoon where they will inject fluid into her intestines with the goal of identifying any potential blockages. They aren't overly concerned about anything-- they just want to make sure that the intestines are functioning properly before they allow feeds to begin again. I'm sitting by the phone waiting for an update and I'll post as soon as something comes in. I hope to report that the test identified nothing and that Madeleine will begin feeding again tonight.



Anonymous said...

I'm keeping up the prayers. Hang in there!!!
Love to you both.

Will said...

You're so good about keeping a realistic perspective on the ups and downs of a NICU stay. I'm really inspired by your attitude. Madeleine is a strong girl isn't she? I hope the ostomy study is perfect.