Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3/19 A Really Good Day

This blog comes with same disclaimer as yesterday-- Madeleiene is still in the NICU and we can expect some difficult days ahead.

With the disclaimer out of the way, the news is even better than yesterday. As of 3PM today, Madeleine is breathing on her own. The doctors were quite sure that she shouldn't be extubated until Friday but when they showed up bedside and saw her trying to pull it out this afternoon while kicking her legs in the air (yes, she's feisty again), they had no choice. The attending neonatologist, Dr. Baumgart, said that Madeleine's recovery from surgery is "unbelievable."

Not a bad day, eh? There's not much else to report except good news. (That's right, there's no bad news in the posting.) There are still no signs of infection, they are slowly weaning Madeleine off dopamine (the blood pressure medicine) and she's back to kicking and ripping off her various monitors (she is Daddy's little girl.)

With this good news, the game plan gets pretty simple for the next few weeks. The first concern is still infection and they'll continue to monitor her blood, temperature, and other vital signs on a regular basis. They're feeding her via her IV for the time being and will do this for atleast 10-12 more days. At that point, they'll consider reintroducing food, but its not going to be a large amount and they will increase feeding very slowly. Translated: we're just hoping for a bunch of boring days in a row with very few tests and/or concerns.

All of the same hurdles remain for Madeleine-- infection, IVH (very unlikely), ROP (probably the scariest issue on the table), and she also has to have surgery down the line to reattach the small intestines to her rectum. They'll continue to monitor her heart, her brain, and pretty much everything else to see if any bad things come up... While all of this is true, these are concerns for another day. Today is truly a joyous day and we know that its possible only through the prayers and support of others. If you're reading this, pat yourself on your back because this is a big step forward and we couldn't have gotten here without you-- THANK YOU! Have a great night.



Becky's Blog said...

Go , MADELEINE, Go!!!!!!!!!!

We love you sweety! You need to help Aunt Becky with her brackets- if Georgetown has as much fight as this little angel, I am good to go.
Brent & Kirsten- you guys are amazing- every single day you get up and love that little girl with all of your being- and it is beautiful to watch!
Love -Becky

Anonymous said...

Kirsten and Brent,

I'm so, so, so happy to hear the good news for today! Alison sent me the blog and I check it everyday to see the how the little one is doing..and you guys too :) Take care of each other and I'm thinking of you all everyday. (Also, if you need Alison and I to do something completely humiliating and embarrassing to lighten the mood at any time, please don't hesitate to ask).

On a selfish note, Kirsten I miss you in my office with your daily sarcastic/hilarious comments about something! I hope to see you guys on Friday if you can make it for Al's birthday.

Katie O.

eka said...

Yay! Woo hoo! Way to go Madeleine! Way to go you two!


epaist said...

This is really wonderful news. I am so glad to hear it. I hope that it affords you a bit of rest and relaxation. Thanks, too, for the good photos. They help me to visualize the good things.


Anonymous said...

I have been talking to you daily, but this is my first time to actually get near a computer to see the blog. More importantly, it's the first time I have seen a picture of her since I left last Thursday. We really long to be there, abd we will be soon, I'm sure. We can't thank all our of our friend and relatives and friends of our friends and relatives for your constant prayer and concern. So many people are aware and have spoken to us, and we can't begin to thank you all. I hope I am spelling this all correctly through my tears.
While I was judging choirs this week, my fellow judges wanted to know every day what was happening. I went out at lunch and got a conference call with Kay and Brent. When I was finished, I went back and reported and they nearly cheered the last two days. I went to Margo's for a concert with Emily singing, and other parents in Hastings came to me and said they were praying too. They are all concerned about our baby's health. It is so reassuring to have caring nurses and doctors and so many prople constantly expressing their interest and concern. So Madeleine, keep it up. You are really showing you want us all to get to know and love you even more. B&K, we love you. Hope you are getting some rest.
An excited Papa and Teema

Anonymous said...

Kirsten & Brent,I have been teary eyed the last 2 days with good news about Madeleine. I love all of you so much. Keep kicking and screaming, Madeleine!

Kathy & Joel

Sarah Bushey said...

You know what? That petite little thing is already making a name for herself! Look out! We are so happy for all three of you. She really is doing it all her way, isn't she? Well, we'll keep rooting her on for her to continue like she has been the past few days. We love you, we miss you and we can't wait to come see you next week! Friday really can't get here quick enough!
Love and prayers, as always,
Sarah, Joe and kiddos

Anonymous said...

Brent and Kirsten,

We continue to pray for Madeleine and you guys. Take care of yourselves. Great pics!

God Bless.
JC, Lisa, and the kids

Anonymous said...

It is crazy how little ones know when they are ready for the next step for their breathing. Both of our boys "removed" their vents on their own also. You two are doing an amazing job!

Nancy (McIntosh)& Matt Sharai

Unknown said...

Madeleine continues to wow us all with her little spirit and her determination to get better! The two of you also continue to amaze me with your strength and your love for each other and your baby girl! As you kow I did in fact embarrass myself yesterday so it's Katie's turn now!


Anonymous said...

Dear Brent and Kirsten,
I'm so glad for good news about Madeleine. We have been following along with her progress and are just so impressed at how tough your little girl has become. I can't imagine how tough all this has been on all of you but you have done a remarkable job keeping it together. I think the two of you are simultaneously experiencing the best (utter joy) and worst (worrying) parts of parentingYou have made me remember gratitude for my own kids, even though they are breaking furniture and scribbling on the walls. We still would like to extend the offer of a hot meal, something frozen and a load of groceries from the Dauernheim Dinner Delivery so let us know when that would be most useful to you (even if it is months from now).
All the best and hang in there!
Lisa and Brian Dauernheim