Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Splendidly Boring Afternoon

We just returned from hanging out bedside with Madeleine this afternoon. As we hoped, it was an uneventful visit. Madeleine is ready to be extubated (the respirator can be removed at any time) and all of her vital signs are strong-- a great indication that there is no serious infection. We didn't meet with any doctors today-- we had the option but decided that there aren't any decisions to make right now. Instead, we're prepared to meet with a whole host of doctors, surgeons, cardiologists and others starting tomorrow morning. At that point, we'll be nearing the end of her critical phase and ideally can turn our focus to the heart issues and can begin discussions of re-introducing food (still at least a week away).

We'll keep you informed of any changes but we're crossing our fingers that our boring afternoon extends into the evening and night... Take care,



eka said...

I'm relieved to hear that today was boring! Thanks for sharing your news with everyone. I appreciate being able to keep up with all the events and am keeping Madeleine in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Bushey said...

Who would have every thought that you two would be beyond thrilled for "boring?" I am so relieved for you. Good luck tomorrow morning with the team of doctors you'll be meeting with. Keep that journal handy, Brent! I hope you get another good night of sleep tonight - you both sound like new people after getting some. Love and prayers from ALL of your family.
Sarah, Joe, Natalie, Michael and Kaytlin

Anonymous said...

We love the picture. She looks wonderful. I had some pictures printed today and will post them tomorrow. Our arms ache to hold her and both of you. Call us tomorrow (on Kay's cell) when you get the medical update. I'm baking a stupid cake for Brian's St. Pat's lunch tomorrow.
Dad is in Kazoo and will be waiting a relay report on Maddie-Sleep tight-Mom

Becky's Blog said...

Good luck with the team- keep them on their game , but remember you do not need to take an entrance exam at the end of this , you will not get a degree when Madeleine goes home. REST as much as possible. When Madeleine sleeps - you should sleep. This is not a sprint, but a marathon. Madeleine needs you to take care of yourselves and each other. Hopefully this week will become normal & routine.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
love you- Steve & Becky

Erika said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. We're so glad to hear that things are "boring" right now and we'll hope they stay that way. Please know our thoughts are with you and we love you all very much. We're just a phone call away if you need us!

Much Love to You All!
Erika & Brian

Ayyana said...

Love the picture with the beanie baby. All three of you (four, with the bunny) are in my thoughts.