Friday, January 23, 2009

A Really Good Week

The subject posting applies to pretty much everything this week: Madeleine, politics, and even my health. Everything is going great. Since this blog is about Madeleine, lets focus on that: She's doing great. I just created a January folder of pictures and will post more this weekend. Here's my favorite:

Despite the strange formatting, you can see that Madeleine looks great. (Its not a bad looking family, if I do say so myself.) Here's the best part: this was taken over a week and a half ago and Madeleine has continued to make huge strides. The change that we're witnessing is truly remarkable and Kirsten and I simply can't put into words how nice it feels.

We're afraid to get too confident as Madeleine still faces many medical challenges. She still has Pulmonary Hypertension, she's still breathing with a ventilator, she still has to have a surgery to re-attach her intestines, she is still feeding from a tube.... the list could go on. However, we finally feel like we've reached the bottom and while we face many challenges, we know that Madeleine has already been through much worse. Here's a few more reasons for confidence:
- She weighed in at the pediatrician's yesterday at 11lbs 10 oz. Madeleine goes back to Children's for five different appointments next week (just check-ups) and we're hoping she tops the scale at 12 lbs.
- Perhaps the best news is this: when Madeleine was admitted on New Year's Eve, the doctors ordered an echocardiagram to see if her pulmonary hypertension was acting up. Instead of identifying a problem, the test showed that Madeleine's pulmonary hypertension was fully medically managed. In English: her pressures were the same as yours and mine. This is great news as it shows that her pulmonary hypertension is responding to the drug treatment. She's not technically cured becaused she's still on two PH drugs but the PH is under control and we can hope that as her lungs develop, we might be able to wean Madeleine off the medicine.

Again-- we have a long ways to go, but this week we're not focused on that. Instead, we're ecstatic that our little girl continues to do great and smiles at us whenever we walk in the room. Thanks-- have a great weekend.

Brent and Kirsten

PS- look for inauguration pictures soon. We ended up on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the White House. President Obama and Michelle walked right in front of us. A great day!


Will said...

Awesome news! All of it!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well! I can't wait to see more pics of madeleine! She looks so chubby! Glad your feeling better Brent, don't do that again!!
Kellie & Sean