Friday, January 2, 2009

Back at Children's

This information is a little old but just an FYI-- Madeleine was re-admitted back to the CICU on New Year's Eve. It really isn't anything serious but as I mentioned in my last post, she has been fighting a cold for the better part of a week and we finally got to the point where she needed more oxygen support than we can provide at home.

Since being admitted on Wednesday, Madeleine is already showing signs of improvement and the attending doctor hopes to release her over the weekend. We were shocked by such an option as the doctors always told us that discharges had to take place during the week. However, their willingness to release her over the weekend is based on the fact that we have nursing services set up and this is clearly a case where Madeleine needs extra support.

As you might expect, we're upset that we had to take her back to the hospital but we're heartened by her quick recovery and we hope that we'll get her home and keep her healthy for a long time. I'll post more once we're certain of when she's coming home. Take care,


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