Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Growing and Rolling Over

Just a quick post today to let you know that Madeleine is slowly learning how to roll over. Its a bit more difficult with a trach but she's getting it. We're a bit afraid of what will happen when she gets really good at it as I imagine we'll be undoing some rather interesting knots. In addition to rolling over and remaining the happiest baby alive, she's also growing like a weed. I'm going to start taking pictures of her next to a prop so the growth is evident but last night I was amazed-- it wasn't the same child that I saw before I left for work. We'll have more data to report tomorrow when Madeleine goes to the doctor and is weighed but we're ecstatic that she's moving in the right direction.


Will said...

That is such good news! I'm amazed at how much hair she has now - very feminine with the bows. (Though I absolutely loved it when the nurses taped bows to her head!) The eggplant hat is awesome, too. Hopefully Ayyana can make one for Raiden. Hey, will you take another picture with your wedding ring and post it next to the one where she's wearing it as a bracelet? (I'll never forget that one.)

Brent Bushey, Kirsten Wright and daughters said...

I'll take the picture tonight. That is a great way to capture how much she has grown... despite still being a little tike.