Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Good Week

I really need to get some pictures up as you may not recognize Madeleine soon-- she's growing like a weed. Here's one example of her growth-- the following picture was taken on Christmas morning:

You can see the light blue strap around her waist-- we use that to keep the ventilator tube from moving too much. If we don't put this on, Madeleine frequently disconnects herself from the ventilator. Its not dangerous as you just have to pop it back on (like a lego) but it can be a nuisance. In any case, you can see that the two ends overlap quite a bit in the picture. I'll try to get a picture tonight as it is likely one of the last few days that the strap will fit around her-- it hardly fits now as we use a piece of velcro to hold the two ends together-- they don't touch.

It is starting to feel like we're hitting the growth stride that we've wanted to hit for so long. Madeleine is still struggling a little bit from an oxygen standpoint-- she's running a fever from vaccination shots yesterday and we've had to increase the amount of oxygen she is receiving. Still, she looks great and is happy, when she's awake. With all of her recent growth, she's been doing a lot of sleeping.

That's about it on our end-- we've been really stable and relaxed this week and it feels really good. We're slowly settling into a routine with nursing-- our hours get cut back starting next week so we'll be taking over some more duties. There are definitely some tiring days ahead but so long as Madeleine continues growing, you won't hear any complaints out of us.

Have a good one.



Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much hair she has now! So glad to hear she's doing so well, and that you sound so relaxed. She's in my prayers for continued good health. Terra at DAP

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how chubby her cheeks are!! And her hair is beautiful! Glad to hear that things have been "kinda boring"! You both deserve many many days of boring life!! How much does she weigh? Love to you all--kisses to baby girl!

Anonymous said...

I was soooooooo excited to see the picture you posted today. What a praise. I can see the growth and she is just so precious.

I am thankful for this "normality" in your life of having your child home 24/7. I can "hear" the excitement in your blog and I share in your excitement. Praise God.

Tiring days may be ahead but so are more smiles, giggles, and fun.

Love and prayers to all.


Anonymous said...

What great news that she is back home and stable. She's getting so big and beautiful. We send our wishes for 2009 to be a great year for your fam. - jamey