Sunday, October 5, 2008

Still on Target

I'm just posting a quick update to say that Madeleine is still on target for tomorrow morning as she's done very well being weaned from her sedatives as well as from the nitric oxide and vent settings. She's completely off nitric oxide and her vent settings are very close to wean levels. We're not too focused on tomorrow as its completely possible that they'll decide that Madeleine is doing well but could use an extra day of rest before extubation. Still, we're extremely pleased with her progress and look forward to playing with her soon.

Have a good weekend-- wherever you are, we hope the weather is as perfect as it is here in DC. Get out and enjoy it-- it won't last forever. (Unless you live in Hawaii or SoCal-- not cool.)

Brent and Kirsten

PS-- A big shout out to our friends Steve and Becky for their first 10 mile run this morning. Also for my co-worker James-- he made Treasury proud. Last but not least, Rebecca and Lauren-- our two former PAs from the NICU that are running the Chicago Marathon next weekend-- also ran the Army Ten Miler this morning. As soon as I can find the camera cord (a constant struggle in my life), we'll have pictures posted to the blog of everyone!

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