Friday, October 3, 2008

Monday's the Target date

For extubating Madeleine from the ventilator. This is the plan that was laid out this morning during rounds in the CICU. We all know that the adage "the best laid plans of men and mice..." applies to Madeleine wholeheartedly so we're not getting to excited. That being said, she's doing really great. They continue to slowly turn down the nitric oxide and the ventilator settings and she is satting very well. They've discontinued the antibiotics and over the weekend, they hope to get rid of the nitric oxide and sedation. Once that is all gone, the final step is to get her ventilator settings down and ensure that she's able to handle the extubation process. There are tons of issues that could delay us, so we're prepared for delays. However, we are extremely encouraged that the doctors were willing to even discuss dates.

That's all for now. I'll provide daily updates over the weekend. Thanks again for everyone's support.


1 comment:

Will said...

Excellent! As usual, I expect to be longing for news by Monday ;) I'll hope extra hard that it's as good as you propse it could be. Have a restful weekend.