Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not a Huge Deal

Hey folks-- I've gotten a few worried phone calls and emails and I feel the need to clarify my last post. Madeleine is doing fine-- the doctors are already coming down on her oxygen support and they're pretty convinced that this is a minor virus infection. We're still awaiting results from the cultures (they typically take around 24 hours) so right now, they are administering general antibiotics to address any possible bacterial infections and are also protecting against secondary infections (pneumonia being the biggest concern.)

All that being said, this isn't a big deal. Madeleine's come through 5 surgeries and a ton of other much worse things. That being said, it was and is frustrating to accept that our time frame is being delayed again. I was very prepared for Madeleine to be home soon and this is going to delay us. It could be just a few days and while not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, every day/hour/minute/second delay in the hospital is one too long for me. Simply put: I want my kid home and she will get home, just not in the timeframe we expected...

Thanks for your concern and support.


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