Wednesday, July 2, 2008

She's Home!

She's home.

- One day shy of four months.
- Four surgeries later.
- Countless trips and/or phone calls to the NICU
- Hours/Days/Weeks of worrying

And you know what-- the last 3 hours have been so great that I'd say its all been worth it. Before I go into the medical details that we're facing and all of the other things swirling through my head, let me get one thing out:


That first thank you is to all of the medical professionals that have selflessly helped our daughter survive these first four months and have positioned her to do so well. We've been floored-- absolutely floored-- by the medical care that Madeleine has received. The nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physicians, respiratory therapists, surgeons-- in short all of the medical personnel have been absolutel amazing and our gratitude simply can't be expressed.

Here's a second one: THANK YOU

That ones for all of the friends, family members, and the ridiculous support network of folks that have called, written, donated, cooked, prayed, and done god knows what else in support of Kirsten and I. Months ago, after we were once again shocked by someone's kindness, Kirsten turned to me and said "How do we know such good people? I don't think we're half this nice." She said it jokingly but the sentiment rang true: we've been constantly humbled by everyone's outpouring of support and we simply don't know what to say other than, thank you.

Okay, with that out of the way, I'll get to the part of the blog that frequent readers have come to knw all too well-- the medical updates. First off, the best piece of news is that Madeleine looks like a normal baby. That may sound weird but after all of the surgeries, wires, and breathing support that Madeleine has been through, its strange for Kirsten and I to think of her as a baby first, not a medical patient. That being said, she's a baby with a few medical issues that we hope to resolve in the coming months. Here's the list:

- Breathing: Madeleine is receiving a small amount of oxygen support-- about 1/2 liter of 100% oxygen. We're not sure how long she'll need the support but we have a meeting with a pulmonologist on July 17th where we'll assess her continued need for breathing assistance. When we're home, Madeleine breathes with the support of a condenser that pulls oxygen from the air. When we want to leave the house, we have oxygen tanks that we can take with us.

- Feeding: During the daytime, Madeleine is taking most of her food via bottle with some exceptions. At nighttime, Madeleine doesn't usually wake up so we use the feeding tube to ensure that she gets enough food to continue growing. We're not sure how long we'll continue with this arrangement but we'll work with our pediatrician to determine a feeding plan. We hope that within a month, we'll be able to feed Madeleine when she wants to feed-- rather than on the militaristic feeding of every three hours. Ideally, she'll get to the point where she eats enough during the day where we won't need to wake her up at night with supplemental feeds.

- Future surgery: We'll meet monthly with a GI surgeon and will track Madeleine's weight gain. Our goal is to get Madeleine to 5 kgs (12 lbs) before the surgery. We've been told this may take up to 5 months to happen.

- Medicines: Madeleine is still taking a diuretic once daily to help with fluid issues related to her heart/lungs. She's also taking two nebulizers to help her breathing and one medicine to limit problems with reflux.

Taken together, Madeleine still faces a number of medical challenges but we think the worst is behind us and we're hoping that we're able to resolve most of the issues in the next few months. That's pretty much all we have to update right now. I'll get some pictures up in the next few days-- we've been really negligent about posting. In the meantime, just trust me that my daughter looks great-- the nurses loved the polka dot dress that we chose to bring her home in-- and know that Kirsten and I are absolutely ecstatic about the opportunity to have our daughter home.

Thanks again,

Brent and Kirsten


Sarah Bushey said...

WELCOME HOME BABY GIRL!!! OH MY GOSH! I can't stop crying!! We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you all! What a day for you that you will NEVER EVER forget! When I was little, we used to watch the fireworks with my aunt and uncle and she'd "dedicate" each and every one to someone special. We have passed that tradition on to our kids, and we can't wait for Thursday when we can see all of the cool ones JUST for "Cousin Maddie". We'll take pictures for her memory box! Thinking of you ocnstantly and praying for the best weekend EVER for you all.

Love to you from Michigan,
Sarah, Joe and kiddos

Brent Bushey, Kirsten Wright and daughters said...

Thanks Sarah. Tell Michael not to eat any more cars. ;)

Unknown said...

I just got chills that she is home! I can't believe that this day has finally arrived. Enjoy this special day and all the days ahead as you get into a routine with your beautiful baby girl! You two are amazing and she is one lucky girl to have you as parents! I can't wait to come over and visit her at HOME!!

Love, alison

Erika said...

Congratulations!!! We're so excited for you. Best wishes this weekend as you get settled in with your little miracle. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

Erika, Brian, Blake, Ella & Drakey, too!

Anonymous said...

I have never even met you, and you still made me cry with your wonderful news! I am so happy for all three of you, and I can only imagine how excited Grandpa Steve must be, too! I hope and pray that you have a fantastic holiday weekend to start this new journey! Terra at DAP

Anonymous said...

YAHOO !!! What wonderful long awaited news. You'll enjoy being a family in your own home. Love and best to ALL of you. Brendan and Shelley

Leticia said...

Congratulations!!! What a great way to begin your holiday weekend. I can't wait to see new pictures of Madeleine in her home. Wishing you all the best.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you guys to have your sweetie home. I am thinking about you and praying for you every day. Laura

Anonymous said...

Halleluah!!!! Congratulations!! What great news to come home to!! Ann Stapleton

Anonymous said...

HURRAY!!!! I've been waiting so long to read that news. Congratulations to both of you,its been a long road to get here, but you made it! I can't wait to see pictures of Madeline in her new home!
Lots of love, Tara and Rob