Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Pictures

Check out the new pics in the slideshow above. You can also see the larger pictures at

We took Madeleine to her first visit at the pediatrician today. The meeting was essentially designed to introduce the two of them and allowed the doctor to set a baseline. Madeleine weighed in at 5 lbs 12 oz. (we're back to the English system-- only hospitals use metric.) Kirsten will take Madeleine back on Monday so that we can track her weight gain. Ideally, we'll see a steady weight gain over the next few months so that we can schedule her re-attachment surgery. The other breakthrough is that the Doctor agreed that we can cut back on night feeding so long as we don't subtract from the daily amount of food needed. Madeleine is supposed to take 400 cc's/day-- at 8 feeds of 50cc's. We'll increase her day time feeds about 5 cc's and that should allow us to skip the 3am feeds. (This all assumes that Madeleine doesn't wake up at 3AM). It will be really great if we can feed her at midnight and then sleep until 6am-- cross your fingers that we're able to do this.

That's all-- have a good day and enjoy the pictures. We'll continue to post as we take more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Brent and Kirsten on bringing your sweet baby home! I am so excited for Madeleine to be in her own home with two fantastic parents. You all rock!! What a journey it has been these first four months. My prayers continue for continued progress for Madeleine and continued and increased enjoyment for her mommy and daddy. Give her lots and lots of hugs...some of them for me. I can't wait to meet her and hold her. Once again, congrats. Dee

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The pictures are great! She is such a lucky girl to have such wonderful parents. Enjoy your holiday with your beautiful daughter!

Jill, Mike and Avery

Sarah Bushey said...

She's home! I still just get all choked up when thinking about it all...Just looked at the pictures and it is SO good to see you two adjusting to life with a baby at HOME! Love the hammock pictures - she belongs right there. The only one missing was mom and Savannah. Better get one of those soon! Take care! Can't wait to see you!

Sarah (and the fam...)

Unknown said...

She looks like she is exactly where she is supposed to be-home with her family! The pictures are adorable and made my whole weekend! See you all soon!
Love, Al

Epicurious Cooking said...

Glad to see that things are going so well! I hope Madeleine had a great 4th of July!! I'd bet that you are still smiling! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Kellie, Sean & Louisa

Anonymous said...

Brent and Kirsten -
Huge congrats on bringing baby home - please do post a pic of the polka dot dress - polka dots are my favorite! And I agree - a baby swing is a gift from the gods for new parents. All three of you deserve lots of hammock time! hugs to all,

Erika said...

Congrats on a successful homecoming! Can't wait to see you all. Love you lots and lots!!

Erika, Brian, & Twins