Monday, May 5, 2008

A Great Weekend

I haven't thrown the "great" word around much but this weekend definitely qualifies. Kirsten and I were able to get away for the weekend as we left Saturday morning for Ocean City and had a relaxing weekend of staring at and listening to the ocean and reading. More importantly, while we were relaxing, Madeleine was steadily improving and Kirsten's parents were working like dervishes on our house-- Steve mowed the lawn while Carol weeded all of our borders. When they werent' working, they were up playing with Madeleine and had a great weekend.

In terms of Madeleine's health, things are going quite well. She continued feeding on breastmilk and the doctors increased her feeds twice. First, they increased her frequency to 2 cc's every three hours and then increased to 3 cc's/feed. Throughout, Madeleine continues to process the food well and the ostomy appears to be working very well. We're not sure how much more they are going to push her to feed as they want her to be eating but don't want to push her too much before surgery. As far as her heart surgery is concerned, we hope to find out tonight when the surgery will be scheduled. We've been to expect that Madeleine will be transferred to the Cardiac ICU (CICU) tomorrow and surgery could be as early as Thursday. We'll update the blog with the date as soon as we have more information.

That's all for now. Thanks for checking in with us.

Brent and Kirsten


Anonymous said...

B&K - Thanks for the update. I am glad you were able to get away for a few days and that Madeleine is doing well. -mk

Anonymous said...

You guys deserved a great weekend. Thanks for the update. I'm thrilled she is doing so well with the feeding.

Hugs from Michigan,
Jill, Mike and Avery