Thursday, May 15, 2008

Confusing Day

Today's been a very weird day for us as Madeleine's body is sending mixed signals. Clinically, Madeleine is doing very well. She continues to eat very well (we're up to 9cc's every three hours) and she is resting well. We spoke with the nurse about an hour ago and the nurse said that she can set her clock by Madeleine's cries as she has learned to expect her food every three hours (this is going to be an issue when she comes home.) The only other times she cries are when her pacifier falls out (she's a pacifier addict) and when one of the IV's starts beeping-- she doesn't like the high pitched noise. Other than that, she's usually sleeping or just looking around.

While all of this is really good news, the lab results from this morning indicate that Madeleine's infection is getting worse as her CRP and white blood counts are all elevated rather significantly. The doctors don't believe that there is an infection related to the heart or the ostomy site and they're a little stymied to pinpoint what is going on. They've sent off cultures and hope that something will grow in the cultures that would provide further evidence. (Don't hold your breath-- its common for nothing to grow in the cultures.) In any case, the assumption right now is that one of Madeleine's lines is infected-- she currently has an IV in her arm and has the two leads going to the heart. The IV has been in longer so that's more than likely the culprit. The doctors haven't pulled the IV as this is providing her nutrition and there isn't an easy substitute if that IV needs to be removed.

In short, we're trying to learn more while also not trying to get too frustrated with the situation. From a medical standpoint, the only change for Madeleine is that she is receiving two anti-biotics to help the infection. Everything else remains the same and our hope is that we'll see the infection drop off in the next few days.

That's all for now. Thanks again for the support.

Brent and Kirsten

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