Thursday, May 1, 2008

2nd Opinion on the Heart

Kirsten and I spoke earlier with another cardiologist regarding Madeleine's heart and other health challenges. We specifically chose the doctor that first diagnosed Madeleine's condition (in utero) for three reasons: first, he saw Madeleine in utero and in her first week of life and was familiar with her heart condition. Second, he hasn't been involved since Madeleine was transferred to Children's so while he's informed on her condition, he's impartal when it comes to her current care plan. Finally, he came across as extremely conservative when we first discussed plans for surgery and, if anyone would express reservations about the plan for surgery in the next 1-2 weeks, we'd expect him to take such a stance.

With all of this in mind, Dr. Telep listened to our story and then unequivocally agreed with the plan for surgery. He explained that while it is ideal to wait for a child to grow before operating on the heart, Madeleine's limited growth demonstrates the need for surgery. Additionally, he agreed that, once fixed, her repaired heart will help her deal with her GI issues and should also improve her overall development and growth.

Kirsten and I were relieved to know that, while Madeleine's care plan isn't ideal, we feel like surgery is the best course of action and we're doing everything we can to advocate on our behalf. We're still scared by the surgery, but we've always known she needed it and we are excited for the days when we are worried about her other health challenges.

That's all for now. Have a great night.


Becky's Blog said...

She looks good- look at her output in her little bag!
She LOOKS bigger!
Glad the 2nd opinion helped with an 'easy' decision. I see people give wishy - washy 2nds all of the time and it is just agonizing for the pt. and family. Keep up the good parenting.
Love ~Becky

Sarah Bushey said...

I see it! The double chin! AWESOME! Imagine how big she's going to get once that little heart is working better! I'm glad you were able to get a second opinion from someone whose opinion you really value. It must be such a relief that he agrees. I hope you feel like the burden's been lifted a bit as far as making the right decision. Keep us posted, as usual. You've really been through the ringer lately, and just so you know, we're all rooting for you and hoping and praying for only the absolute best for all three of you.
Love you guys,
