Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not So Fast

I knew I shouldn't put up a post saying that things should get boring. Kirsten is at the hospital and just called to say that the doctors think Madeleine has a slight infection. There was some concern about an infection last night-- Madeleine had a slight temperature-- so the nurse sent off a blood test (CBC) to see if any numbers were out of whack. Madeleine's numbers came back slightly elevated but she appeared relaxed so there wasn't a huge area of concern. Still, they sent off one more test-- a CRP-- and it also came back elevated, indicating that Madeleine is fighting an infection. With this information, they are going to start Madeleine on 7 days worth of antibiotics. No one seems too excited (not including Dad) about this issue and we're all hoping that it won't affect the overall plan. Unless Madeleine shows further signs of infection, the feeding plan will continue as previously planned and we'll just hope to see her blood work come back clear in a few days.

The best news regarding the infection is that no one believes it is related to the heart as the incision is healing great. Instead, it is much more likely that the ostomy site is responsible for the infection-- that's a common problem with colostomy bags-- and they'll hope that the antibiotics helps resolve it without further complications.

That's all for now... Kirsten and I continue to keep our guard up as it seems whenever we let it down, we run into another issue... have a good one.


1 comment:

Will said...

I love that she's doing so well with the feeds. It really seems like she's recovering well from one of the biggest operations a person can have. Whats all this talk about the heart - doesn't everyone know the intestines are the most important organ? Good luck gaining weight, weaning the O2 and fighting off infection. Slow and steady wins the race!