Saturday, May 16, 2009

So far, so good

Madeleine is doing really well post-surgery and we're tracking three areas: pain management, vent settings, and progress with feeding. In terms of pain management, things are going very well. Since last evening, she's mostly been managed with tylenol- she had one dose of morphine before sleep and only one more dose this morning around 7am. Since that dose, she's only gotten tylenol and is generally happy. She is back to smiling and playing and we're very happy.

Her vent settings are also doing well. She is back to her home CPAP aetting, meaning that the she is breathing on her own with only pressure support from the vent. She's still slightly elevated on oxygen as her level is 50%. At home, she gets between 1 to 1.5 liters which is roughly equivalent to 30% oxygen. Once they get her down to 30%, they will transfer her off the hospital vent back to her home vent.

The final issue is her feeding and that is also going well. So far, she is getting half her fluids into her stomach and half in her IV. Soon, they will shut off the IV and will give all of her fluids via the new PEG(g-tube). They will also substitute half od the pedialyte with formula and will monitor her GI status. If all goes well, they will increase her formula level in the morningam

In short, things are going very well. We still have a long ways to go and we know that setbacks are possible. Still, we are very pleased with Madeleine's progress and we're enjoying seeing her face without tape. We'll provide an update tomorrow. Thanks!


Will said...

Glad she made it through the surgery!

Anonymous said...

On this Lord's day I just had to write and say that we serve an awesome God. I praise Him for bringing Madeleine through the surgery (and Mom and Dad too). I ask that tonight His hand continue to touch her little body with healing. I can't wait to see the new "family" photo...tape less. Rest well everyone and always remember that our Lord does hear and answer prayer.

Joyce Engelmann