Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And the Winner is....

For those of you that guessed the 3+ times that Madeleine will pull out her feeding tube, pat yourself on your back as Madeleine just pulled her tube out this morning making it the fourth time in a week that we've had to take her to radiology-- before that we'd, gone exactly one month with the same tube... Argh. Its rather frustrating. Other than that, things are going well. I was home this morning to meet with the Physical/Occupational therapist and she continues to be impressed with Madeleine's progress. Madeleine has greatly improved her sitting ability-- a direct result of her increased core strength and she continues to improve with tummy time and her fine motor skills. Today, we noticed a pretty strong preference for her right hand so we talked about insisting when we play that she use her left hand. Additionally, we talked about the importance of short bursts of tummy time throughout the day-- especially once we get out of surgery and she's cleared to start working again-- and also talked about the importance of using certain words repeatedly when playing particular games. As one example, the therapist said that it is important to say "boo" or something like that every time we play peekabo as this teaches Madeleine when to communicate and what to say. Its very interesting and helpful to meet with the therapist as she takes our games and daily routines and teaches us how we can reinforce little concepts-- very helpful and cool.

That's all-- I'm working from home for a bit-- a great aspect of the new job-- and then will be taking her in for what we hope will be her last visit to radiology (at least for an NJ tube). Have a good one.


1 comment:

Will said...

What a cute picture! Good luck with the tube.