Monday, August 11, 2008

A Very Good Weekend

Sorry for not updating the blog over the weekend. Madeleine was finally released late on Friday night-- we're not sure why it took them so long on Friday. Regardless, we had a very good weekend and we feel like we're making some fairly significant progress with Madeleine. The change in feeding approach has really seemed to help reduce the amount of reflux and associated negative events that have plagued Madeleine since her release from the hospital. By reducing the amount of food that we give her at any one time, she doesn't struggle too much during the day. Additionally, since we're not making her full, she is getting hungry during the day and she's getting much better at bottle feeding-- at most feeds she's taking well over 40cc's-- over double her standard amount prior to the change. One final benefit of this new approach is that when we feed her via the pump, she gets a steady amount of food for 12 hours and she sleeps through most of this period. We do have to get up two times each night to change her and add additional food to the pump (formula can only sit out for four hours, so you have to add extra formula every four hours) but Madeleine generally sleeps right through these different events. If she does wake up, its usually only one eye and she usually has a sleepy/drowsy look that says, "I'm fat and happy right now!"

That's pretty much the update on our homefront right now. Kirsten and Madeleine have appointments today with the pediatrician and the surgeon-- just standard check-ups and we hope that we can continue to report good news. Thanks,



Anonymous said...

Yay! It's nice to hear such good news. Hopefully, today's appointments will yield additional positive news. Terra at DAP

Will said...

I like these good-news-only posts :)

Anonymous said...

Glad she's back home where she belongs. As we all witnessed here in MI she improves dramatically when she's out of the hospital! Go Madeleine!
Love ya,
Mike, Wanda & boys