Thursday, August 7, 2008

Continued Progress

Madeleine had another good night in the hospital and we believe that we're getting closer to being discharged-- we'll know more early this afternoon as the doctors wanted to discuss her case on rounds to ensure full agreement on her medical plan. Kirsten and I believe the plan will be as follows:

1) Discharge: Madeleine will likely be released tomorrow-- allowing them another day to monitor her recovery from the pneumonia and for her to be fully weaned from the short term steroids that she has received in the hospital. She will continue on antibiotics for another week or so.

2) Feeding: We'll likely go home with a pump that we'll use to feed Madeleine throughout the night. Rather than feeding every three hours, we'll set it up to feed her small amounts of food on a constant basis. During the day, we'll feed her some via bottle but we won't push her. Our rationale is that we think she is refluxing after eating and her current pneumonia was potentially caused by "microaspirations" in the lungs. We need to conduct a sleep study to learn more about Madeleine's reflux and how best to treat it.

3) Sleep study: We'll schedule the sleep study for a few weeks from now. It would be nice to schedule it sooner but given Madeleine's infection, they don't think they'll get an accurate read on her long-term reflux issues.

That's about it for right now. We feel like we've made a little progress-- albeit very slow-- and we're hopeful that this medical plan will allow Madeleine to better control her reflux thereby enabling her growth. Thanks again for everyone's support.

Brent and Kirsten

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