Friday, August 22, 2008

Another Bump In the Road

In my last message I admitted that Kirsten and I were probably setting ourselves for a fall from grace and unfortunately, my fears were confirmed today. Madeleine is being admitted to the hospital today with pneumonia, again. The assumption is that she refluxed and aspirated fluid into her lungs setting her up for infection. This hasn't been confirmed but that's what the doctors suspect. We went to the ER this morning as Madeleine was dependent on higher levels of oxygen and her coloring was very poor. Additionally, she refused to feed from a bottle and was very irritated all day yesterday-- suprisingly, she does not have a fever.

In any case, we don't think the infection is too bad-- probably similar to her last bout with pneumonia and our concern is more on why now. One possible explanation is that Madeleiene out grew her doses for the medicine treating her reflux. Kirsten spoke yesterday with our pediatrician and they increased the amount of Prevasid she gets on a daily basis. Its possible that this change alone will make the difference once the infection is under control. Still, we're going to meet with a GI specialist as well as a cardiologist and pulmonoligist to determine if we need to consider other alternatives to help resolve her reflux. If we don't make any major changes right now, at the very least, we hope to lay out various alternatives in the event that Madeleine continues to struggle with reflux in the future.

In any case, we're obviously disappointed and frustrated right now as we were fairly confident that we'd put the hospital in the rear view mirror for a while. We don't know how long we're going to be in the hospital but think its likely we'll be in through the weekend (getting sick on a Friday is a really bad way to start the weekend) and will probably be released early next week after all of the specialists have a had a chance to examine her and weigh in with their opinions.

That's all for now. I'll try to keep the blog posted though I'll have limited access as I'm likely going to spend the night at the hospital with Madeleine. Thanks again for everyone's support.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there-Dad says he money is on Madeleine every time-Love-Mom

Anonymous said...

Brent and Kirsten,

I pray that Madeleine is doing better and that you both have drawn strength from the Lord and each other during this difficult time. I am sorry that you had to revisit the hospital and are probably asking, "why"? Questions that no one can answer because we don't have the "Master" plan for Madeleine's life. I guess this is where Faith comes in, such a small word with an eternal perspective. May you both stop to renew your Faith and Trust in the Lord your God who walks and talks with you, whenever you reach out to HIM. Sometimes when things are not a "big" concern for us, we are easily moved from a heart of thanksgiving and worship to one of living in the moment and survival (I speak from experience). I truly believe that our God desires a relationship with HIS children daily so that HE can continue to meet our needs and answer the cries of our hearts, both spoken and unspoken. I pray that today, you find yourselves depending on the one who has brought you through so many obstacles and promises to answer the prayers you continually pray on your daughter's behalf. HE's been faithful, have we?

Love you guys!

Joyce Engelmann