Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quick Update

Madeleine got her H1N1 vaccine today! One could easily say I was slightly fixated on it getting done so I must tell you I am over the moon thrilled. I know some people are concerned about getting it but for us it is non-negotiable. Madeleine is as about as high risk a person could be (unless of course she was pregnant too!) for the serious implications of this virus. Anyways, as long as we get thru the next week or so while she builds immunity we should be ok---FEEEEWWWWW. I got my shot yesterday and Brent is going to get one as soon as we can find another dose. I may send him to the pediatricians office on Friday to see if he can sweet talk them into giving him one!

Brent also took her to the GI clinic today where we got the go ahead to start packing the food in her mouth!!! We are shifting to a more complex formula (still very broken down from what healthy babies eat) but a huge step in the right direction for Miss Maddie. We are also condencing even further to make her more hungry during the day. Yougurt & custard are suggested and other suggestions on high calorie things that dont require chewing would be greatly appreciated. No food food yet but we are going much faster than we ever imagined.

That's all.... Great day!

Kirsten, Madeleine & Brent


Sarah said...

Hi there! I just wandered over to your blog from the Marquiss Clan blog :) I just wanted to say God bless you and your precious Madeleine! You've all been through so much in her short little life. May he continue to bless you and keep you all safe and healthy.

YAY for the H1N1 vaccine :)
take care,

Anonymous said...

She may like pudding too! I think it's a tasty treat.

I was offered the H1N1 at work and got it! It is safe and we surely don't want maddie getting a respiratory bug!