Monday, April 27, 2009

Temperature Issues in the Bushey Household

Remember when you learned in sixth grade biology that all mammals have certain characteristics including live childbirth, hair, and warm blood? I've always sworn that my wife violates the third principle as I don't think she's ever comfortable until the temperature gauge hits about 92 degrees. I've also always heard about how babies are always cold and I assumed that Madeleine would take after her cold blooded mother. However, the past two days in DC have been scorching hot and it has been patently clear that Madeleine takes after her sweaty father who realizes that life is best in the 60s while occasionally enjoying temperatures in the 70s. Even Kirsten was forced to recognize this reality today when we came home and our nurse was taking wet washclothes and wiping down Madeleine and she smiled with glee each time a fresh, wet washcloth hit her forehead.

As you might be able to tell, things are going extremely well here in the Bushey household. I started a new job at the Department of Homeland Security-- I'm working in the IT Department of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS ICE) and am supporting a program called "Secure Communities." Its all still very new but I'm extremely excited by the switch in jobs and thoroughly enjoyed my first day in the office.

As far as Madeleine is concerned, she continues to grow and we hope to have an updated weight at the end of the week when we meet with GI. We're meeting with a new doctor on Friday-- actually she's a nurse practitioner-- and her specialty is feeding tubes. We plan on discussing Madeleine's calorie intake and also will discuss the plans for the surgery scheduled for Friday, May 15th. We don't expect any major changes/surprises and rather hope that we'll see continued progress and will make plans for the future. Other than that, Madeleine continues to be extremely happy and amazes us with her growth and tenacity. We're seeing her core strength continue to increase and her ability to roll over, sit up on her own, and frustrate her parents whenever we want to change her clothes increase every day. In short-- its a good time to be a parent.

That's about it. I hope things are going as well for everyone out there as they are for us. Thanks again for your support and interest in our blog.


Will said...

How's Grady?

Anonymous said...

Hi Busheys!

I haven't checked the blog in a while and cannot believe how much Madeleine has changed in the time I have been "gone". The pictures tell the story. She is absolutely adorable and seems so happy. And, she has gotten so big!

Thanks for continuing to keep us updated on her progress (and Grady's). Hope all is well.


Brent Bushey, Kirsten Wright and daughters said...

Grady is doing well-- he'll be on pain meds and antibiotics for another week and then the real trouble starts-- he'll feel fine but he'll need another SIX WEEKS of no running, stairs, or other strenuous exercise. He's a complete moron and Kirsten and I have no idea how to keep him from going bonkers... should be fun.