Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey All

Can't believe its been nearly a week since my last post-- I guess time flies when your daughter is healthy. In addition to being healthy, she's plenty spunky as we've been back at the hospital twice in the past few days-- Thursday evening and this Sunday morning-- as Madeleine pulled her feeding tube out both times. It is a pain because we have to go back to the hospital to have the tube replaced but it is somewhat good news that she's as active as she is. We're revising how we're taping the tube to her face and we hope that we won't end back up at the hospital until her next appointment on February 25th.

There was a silver lining to her pulling out the tube as we were able to get a bunch of pictures with no tape on her face-- we tried out a few outfits. Follow this link to see all of the pictures but here is one of our favorites:

For those interested in seeing Madeleine in a video, here's one of her playing yesterday in her kidcart seat:

That's all for now. Thanks again for your interest.


Will said...

We almost never put real clothes on Raiden because it's such a pain, but it is amazing how different (and great) they look. I like Madeleine's purple overalls the best. Those are great pictures. Oh, and I can't believe you made the bacon explosion. We were just talking about that last week.

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful and fantastic! I wish I could see her in person. Thanks for the pics and video!
Love to you all,