Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quick Update

Just realized that this post didn't go up yesterday. My apologies. More soon...

Sorry for the lack of updates-- I don't have a good reason. Madeleine was doing great until this past Sunday when she seems to have caught a cold. Its nothing major but she's running a fever and we have to suction a lot more from her trach. She hasn't been as active the last few days and just has looked/acted kinda crummy-- you know, like when you have a cold.

We're hopeful that she'll be able to kick the cold without needing any antibiotics and/or admissions to the hospital. We do have regularly scheduled appointments tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how she does. There's always the chance that they'll choose to admit her to ensure that she gets through the cold but right now, we're hopeful that we can avoid this outcome.

That's all for right now. I'll plan on posting updates tomorrow after we see the doctor. I also have some pictures that we took over the weekend-- will get them up soon.

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