Monday, November 24, 2008

Making Progress

Despite the disappointing showing by Michigan football teams this weekend, Madeleine has made very good progress. She is still in the ICU as it took her a while to shake the virus she picked up. However, she started feeds again yesterday and is tolerating them well. I haven't gotten an update on the plan from this morning's rounds but we believe that Madeleine will reach full feeds in the next few days and ideally will be transferred back to HSC before Thanksgiving. We'll likely spend a few-- hopefully healthy-- weeks at HSC and then make plans to bring her home. In other words, we're going to miss the Dec 1 timeframe that we initially envisioned for getting her home but likely only by a few weeks. Its not great but we've come to accept setbacks.

As far as Madeleine's demeanor, she looked great over the weekend. I had little time to visit with her as we were working on the kitchen for the entire weekend but when we were there, she was attentive and smiling and really seemed to be turning the corner. She was active kicking her legs non-stop and displayed hunger signs including sucking on her hand, pacifier and even her bottom lip. She's still way too skinny but other than that, she's looking great. I don't have any pictures to show for it so you'll have to take my word for it until Kirsten takes some pictures (hopefully tonight.)

In other family news, the kitchen is progressing very well and countertops will be installed today. We hit a few snafus-- namely, the backsplash tile wasn't delivered correctly (long story) and our drywaller didn't show up over the weekend but even with these setbacks, we've made tremendous progress. We'll have another big work weekend after Thanksgiving and electrical finish work will be finished by December 2. Assuming we can get the backsplash tile delivered (no time frame yet) all work will be complete by December 2nd. The major construction is complete as we've demo'd the old kitchen, re-routed air ducts, installed new cabinets, replaced windows, upgraded the electric, run a new gas line, and installed a tile floor all in 6 days. Today, the countertops get installed and we begin doing the "little jobs" of trimming, grouting, cleaning, etc. My uncle Mike and his co-worker JJ deserve special kudos for all of their time and efforts. They're getting paid but there's no to pay someone to work as hard as they have. Its not directly related to Madeleine's care but their ability to work so fast has made it possible for us to get her home and we will enjoy her in our home with a beautiful new kitchen.

One more note unrelated to Madeleine: Happy 35th Anniversary to my parents, Rick and Kay Bushey! Your relationship is still strong so many years later and you're an inspiration to us all (though at times we think you're crazy.) As an FYI to everyone else, my parents are down in their condo in Florida and are staying in Key West tonight. My brothers and I weren't thoughtful enough to set anything up in advance for them but luckily we married women who are much better at such things and they've set them up for a nice romantic night.

In any case, that's the update on Madeleine and related issues. We're staying in town with friends for the Thanksgiving holiday and then Kirsten's parents are coming in for a weekend of additional Turkey eating mixed with finishing tasks in the kitchen. Anyone with a screwdriver and a knowledge of how to use it are welcome to stop by!

Thanks again for everyone's support. I'll provide additional updates this week as we track Madeleine's continued progress.

Brent and Kirsten


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Even though I don't comment all the time I still need to get my madeleine fix at least 4 times a week. I love reading about her. Hang in there, sounds like God is testing you. You'll win! Both of you are great human beings. Just a side note; your cousin, Zack, (who is growing like a weed) just had another appointment with the oncologist. No evidence of disease again. Believe it or not, it is almost 3 years this February when our lives were turned upside down. One of these days the two of you will be saying the same thing. Love to all 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are progressing well for Madeleine and the Kitchen! Enjoy your little turkey this holiday!