Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Going Back to Children's...

We're disappointed to report that Madeleine is headed back to the CICU at Children's due to an infection at her tracheostomy site. She's stable and this infection shouldn't be a huge stumbling block. However, she continues to run intermittent fevers and her fluid levels are fluctuating. Dehydration is a concern in all children with an infection and this concern is heightened when the patient has pulmonary hypertension. Since HSC doesn't monitor fluid levels closely, they recommended sending her back to Children's. One note on the ICU: Madeleine isn't unstable and generally wouldn't go back to the ICU. However, since she is on a ventilator for breathing support, she has to go to an ICU as the policy requires it. Her pulmonary hypertension requires that the ICU be the Cardiac ICU.

We have no idea how long our stay will be and/or how this impacts long term issues. Needless to say, this infection will likely delay/slow down everything. We're disappointed/bummed/angry and lots of other emotions but still confident this is just another bump in the road... I'll provide more information once the transfer takes place and we have a better idea of what is going on.


PS-- Just in case you missed-- there are new pictures on our blog of Madeleine from Halloween and some at HSC... not a ton but at least some new ones...

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