Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby Steps

Madeleine has had another positive day today. She's maintained her low level of oxygen support and was successfully weaned from Vecuronium (VEC), the paralytic drug that they used to keep Madeleine calm. This was a fairly large step forward today as the doctors weren't certain that Madeleine could remain calm after the VEC was weaned. As with everything else, there is no guarantee that we won't have to go back on the VEC but we're cautiously optimistic.

The next step is to slowly begin weaning the nitric oxide-- they're not sure if we'll start this tonight or if we'll wait until tomorrow to move forward. As with everything else, our mantra is simple: slow and steady wins the race. Madeleine is doing great and we don't want to push her to the point that she falls backward. Its still possible that we'll fall backward anyway but the hope is that by going slowly, we can avoid further crises days.

That's all from our end. We're hopeful for slow and steady-- dare we say boring?-- days. Thanks again,


PS-- I forgot the most important point: for the first time in well over a week, Madeleine held my hand. She's still heavily sedated so she probably thought I was a smurf or a pink elephant but I'll take that over seeing my daughter paralyzed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent, Madeleine knows she had her daddy's hand and I am sure she took comfort in holding it. Stay strong...and let's pray for lots of these boring baby steps forward days for your precious little baby. Dee