Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Update: A Step Forward

Madeleine has made slow progress since being moved to the oscillating ventilator on Saturday morning and today, the doctors switched her back to the more traditional ventilator. This is a major step in the right direction as we're hoping that Madeleine can continue to be weaned. With that being said, we have a long way to go as she's on a high level on oxygen and nitric oxide support as well as getting blood pressure support and a high level of sedation. All of these drugs will need to be weaned in the days (possibly weeks) ahead before we can start discussing extubation procedures.

That being said, this is a step forward and Kirsten and I are feeling much better than just a few hours ago. We're prepared for a long, slow weaning process and we're confident in Madeleine's full recovery. (we're not so sure if our stomachs and/or hearts will ever be the same...) We still don't have a timeframe and/or any other goals other than we want to see Madeleine making forward progress each day. Once we start to see her move forward, we may set goals for when we want to extubate but right now, forward progress-- no matter how small-- is the key.

On a lighter, more positive note, I hope folks enjoy the September pictures at the top of the blog. (To see larger versions, you can visit http://picasaweb.google.com/brentbushey) My mom took these pictures less than two weeks ago when she was visiting. Madeleine was hospitalized and had been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension but the pictures show how great she was doing. We're hopeful that we can take similar pictures in a few weeks as Madeleine continues on the road to recovery.

That's all for now. Thanks again for everyone's support. Given this large change today, we don't expect much weaning to occur as the doctors just want her to stabilize. I'll report back tomorrow once we have some time under our belt and expect to report that Madeleine is moving forward.

Brent and Kirsten


Anonymous said...

Brent and Kirsten,
Still thinking of you on this day. So nice to read the hopeful updates! Bless you.
Jesika Moore

Anonymous said...

Loved the new pictures, especially the ones with Rick-she is adorable!

Love ya, Barb and Mark