Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Still Fighting Infection

Madeleine seems to be slowly getting over her infection. When I held her this morning, she was a little tired/groggy but for the most part she seems to be getting better. She had a fever last night that got high enough that they gave her some tylenol and that seemed to control it pretty well. She hasn't had any further problems with a fever so that's the best we know right now.

As far as surgery is concerned, we expect to hear tomorrow on the proposed date. We're not expecting a huge delay in the surgery as Madeleine seems to be doing quite well so we'll let you know what we hear tomorrow.

Other than that, things seem to be going pretty well, just a little slow. Have a good one.



Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Been off the computer the better part of the week. Sorry to hear about the setbacks, but as she's proven time & time again, she's a fighter! She looks great, love the picture with her head raised! Brent & Kirsten, hang in there & don't apologize for venting, you 2 have been rocks! You are in our prayer & we love all 3 of you!
Mike, Wanda & Boys

Becky's Blog said...

Happy Birthday Brent!!!!

One good thing - look how much faster she fights her infections since her feeds and weight have increased. She got a fever and JUST tylenol worked! She must be metabolizing and absorbing things better.

Love, Becky