Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good Weekend

This is just a quick update as I'm in Norfolk at an IT conference (actually much more interesting than it sounds.) I spent the weekend with Madeleine as Kirsten got some much needed R&R on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. At first glance, it might sound like Kirsten won out but she didn't get to see Madeleine. For the first time in a while, Madeleine was back "on her game" this weekend. She started crying when her pacifier fell out, she started bottle feeding with mixed success, and she really wooed her father. Her coloring is back (pictures coming soon) and she is even growing-- small amounts but she's moving in the right direction again for the first time in a little over a week. Her weight is 2090 grams-- not certain but I think that is close to 4 lbs 10 oz. The only other development was that after a few unsuccessful tries, the nurses were able to install a PIC line. This ensures that Madeleine gets all of her medicine and supplemental IV nutrition in the most efficient and safe manner possible.

In terms of future plans, the doctors will start increasing feeds this week-- she spent the weekend getting 10cc's/feed. A "full feed" for her is around 35cc's ever three hours. In addition, we have a family meeting scheduled with the neonatologist and pediatric surgeon to discuss the best plan moving forward regarding the reattachment surgery. We hope to weigh the pros/cons of scheduling surgery in the short-term before bringing her home vs. bringing her home and scheduling the surgery at a later date. Kirsten and I are anxious to get all of the surgeries done and also to get Madeleine home but we're obviously most interested in pursuing the path that ensures Madeleine's short and long-term health. There is no easy answer but we expect that the doctors can weigh all of the available data allowing us to lay out the best path moving forward.

That's all for now. If I don't get time to post until Wednesday, don't worry. We're hoping to get back to the "boring days" in the NICU but we'll keep you posted of any news as it comes in. Thanks again for your support and interest.


Anonymous said...

Here's to those "boring days"!!! We are happy that things are moving forward and Madeleine is gaining weight and feeling better after last weeks situation. As always,thanks for the updates and the upcoming photos. We look forward to seeing you three in Michigan after she gets through these surgeries. Sending you our love and prayers. Jim,Donna,&Liz

Anonymous said...

Yeah Madeleine! Glad to hear things are back to boring. Keep them coming!

Jill, Mike and Avery

Anonymous said...

I'm following Madeleine's progress daily! As "anonymous" said, "Here's to those 'boring days'"!!! I look forward to the message telling us that Madeleine is home!

With all my best wishes, thougths and prayers--Bill ("Mr. Bill") Kienzle.