Friday, September 18, 2009

How Far We Have Come

Hey all - It's Kirsten here and I just want to take a quick moment to reflect on how far we have come. A year ago this morning Brent and I got a call at 2:30am from a Cardiac Fellow who told us to rush as fast as we could to the hospital because things were going south, fast. I honestly don't remember much of the next hour just that we were soon standing outside our daughters hosptial room with the crash cart outside her door and no less than 15 doctors in her room. She was in hypertensive crisis and none of the quick fixes seemed to be working. After hours of hard work they finally got her stabalized and over the next few days we did continue to slide backwards but at a much slower rate. Over the following 3 months we had good days and bad days, frustrating days and days I lost it on the doctors. People often comment "We don't know how you have done it" and my response has been "it has not always been pretty".

And here we are today. Both working from home because today is Madeleine's first day of Speech Therapy. A day my mom has been talking about since she was less than 3lbs in her isolette. A year ago, I am not sure I thought we would get to today. A year ago today was my low point and the moment that keeps me up at night. Looking forward I cannot wait to experience this fall, maybe even play in some leaves with my daughter. When you live in hosptial land whole seasons can go by without you even noticing. This year I plan in taking in the colors, celebrating our successes and remembering just how far we as a family have come.....

For those of you who have picked us up off the floor and dusted us off- again I want to say thank you.



Anonymous said...

This post is too beautiful for words so you know what I am doing right now.

Love and kiss her for us. We are headed to our own retreat and an opportunity to recharge.

Love-Rick and Kay

eka said...

Wow! I'm so glad she's doing so well. Congrats, and I'm glad you all are getting into "normal."

Unknown said...

What a lovely prayer of thanksgiving, Kirsten. Our love and prayers continue to be with you, Brent and that wonderful,beautiful,little girl of yours.
Aunt Jen and Uncle

Will said...

I remember that crisis a year ago, I think. I even remember what I was doing at the time. (Sort of wish I was still doing it!!!) There were times when I would look at the amount of optimism and determination you two had and wonder how you did it. I still don't know ;)

Leighann said...

Got your comment... you are welcome to come by and introduce yourself. We met Brent early on, but would love to meet Kirsten and Madeleine. See you soon!