Monday, August 10, 2009

We've taken too many pictures!

According to my mother the 'troops are getting antsy' and we need to post... Fear not- everything is WONDERFUL and that's why we haven't posted. Brent and I are having so much fun we forget to blog. We discussed the need to blog today and then realized that we had too many pictures on our Picasa site and needed to upgrade to a larger account. I guess there is a 24 hr waiting period on posting after you increase your account size. We have so many stories that are much better with pictures, I don't want to tell them without the accompanying pictures. Anyways, tune in tomorrow and we will have a full post outlining the last month of our lives which will give you a better understanding on why we haven't posted. Suffice it to say Brent and I are back to our old ways going a million miles a minute.
I feel like the TLC producers of Jon & Kate ---- what a teaser right?
Take care,



Leighann said...

Just got your comment. Please subscribe to my RSS feed so you don't have to check hourly!! If I knew I was keeping you guys on the edge of your seats, I would've posted sooner. Well, not really, it took me this long to do all the medical research after putting the girls to bed!! Glad to see you guys are doing so well. I look forward to that day.

Will said...

Wow, she has a lot of different faces now - I actually looked at all of them. Those are great pics!